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Worlds Ugliest Dog Champion Crowned At Sonoma Marin Fair

Happy Face Wins Ugliest Dog Contest 2022

World's Ugliest Dog Champion Crowned at Sonoma-Marin Fair

Hairless Chinese Crested-Chihuahua Mix Captures Title

In an annual celebration of unconventional beauty, Happy Face, a 17-year-old Chinese Crested-Chihuahua mix, has been crowned the winner of the 2022 World's Ugliest Dog Contest held at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, California.

NBC's Kerry Sanders, who served as a judge at the event, praised Happy Face's unique appearance and heartwarming story. Despite his unusual features, Happy Face is a beloved companion who has brought joy to his family for many years.

The World's Ugliest Dog contest celebrates the beauty in all dogs, regardless of their appearance. It also promotes the adoption of animals, encouraging people to open their hearts and homes to all creatures, regardless of their aesthetics.

Happy Face's victory is a testament to the diversity and unconditional love that exists within the animal kingdom. His triumph serves as a reminder that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and even the most peculiar appearances.
