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Hci Korea 2023 Panel Participation And Paper Acceptances

HCI Korea 2023: Panel Participation and Paper Acceptances

Conference Details

The HCI Korea 2023 conference will be held in person at the Haiwon Resort in Gangwon Province, South Korea, from February 1st to 3rd, 2023. The conference will bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) to share their latest research findings and discuss current trends in the field.

Panel Participation

Dr. So-Yeon Park will be participating in a panel discussion at HCI Korea 2023 on February 2nd, 2023. The panel, titled "How to become a world-leading HCI researcher in Korea," will feature experts from academia and industry who will share their insights on the challenges and opportunities for HCI researchers in Korea.

Paper Acceptances

Three papers by Dr. So-Yeon Park and her research team have been accepted for presentation at the ACM CHI 2023 conference. CHI is a prestigious international conference on HCI, and these acceptances are a testament to the quality of Dr. Park's research.

The accepted papers are:

  • "Exploring the role of touch in social interaction"
  • "Designing for social presence in virtual environments"
  • "The impact of social media on mental health"
